A remote counselling service, offered via telephone or online via Zoom, is available to individuals who are unable to access face to face support at the Centre. To be eligible for remote support, individuals must meet one or more of the following inclusion criteria; have a registered disability, which significantly inhibits mobility and disallows travel to and from the Centre; have diagnosed anxiety disorders that prevent a person leaving their home; be a lone parent experiencing limited childcare options. Remote counselling will be provided on the basis of a minimum contribution of £10 per session, offered for up to one year.
Private Practice
We offer private counselling, which complements the core work of The Leicester Counselling Centre. If you want to be seen more quickly than our waiting list will allow please contact us for a list of our private counsellors and their hourly rates. Private counselling takes place at the Leicester Counselling Centre (when Covid restrictions are lifted) but the arrangement is independent of the core work of the Centre and you will need to contact the private counsellor yourself to discuss your needs and to make ongoing arrangements.
Employee Assistance Programme
The Employee Assistance Programme is intended to help employees deal with personal problems and work-related issues that might adversely impact on their work performance, health, and well-being. EAPs generally include assessment and short-term counselling of 6-8 weeks. If you are an Employer and would like to access this facility for your staff team, please contact the Director at director@leicscounselling.co.uk to discuss available options. Please note, individuals cannot self refer to this service. Referrals are via employers only.